Jeffrey Morin14 Stations, 2008Stevens Point, WI: sailorBOYpressOne of forty-five copies.$ 1,750.00View more details
David RathmanAdverntures in the Burning Bush, 1987Minneapolis, MN: Vermilion EditionsOne of thirty-five copies. Signed by the artist.$ 1,850.00View more details
C. David ThomasAgent Orange. An American Legacy in Vietnam, 2015Wellesley, MA: C. David ThomasOne of fifty copies. Signed by the artist.$ 1,800.00View more details
Aligning the Univers and All Sorts of Types, 1994Claremont, CA: Scripps College PressOne of fifty copies. Signed by all contributors at the colophon.$ 450.00View more details
Dave WoodAlphabetica, 2006Pomona, Qld., Australia: D. J. Harwood & AssociatesOne of twenty-six copies, signed by the artist.$ 650.00View more details
Mary HeebnerArctic Trilogy, 2024Santa Barbara, CA: Simplemente Maria PressOne of fifteen copies, signed by Heebner.$ 6,000.00View more details
Kimiko HahnBoxes with Respect, 2011NY: Center for the Book ArtsOne of 100 copies. Signed by the artists, Ana Paula Cordeiro and Brigid Ellen Ewald, who together designed, printed, and bound the book.View more details
Ellie Ga (Ellieanne Galligano)Classification of a Spit Stain, 2008NY: Ugly Duckling PresseSecond edition. One of 1,000 copies.$ 65.00View more details
C. David ThomasFinding Parkinson's. Doing Battle with My Brain, 2024Wellesley, MA: C. David ThomasOne of twenty copies. Signed by the artist and all contributors.$ 1,800.00View more details
Dave WoodGhazals, 2010Pomona, Qld., Australia: D. J. Harwood & AssociatesOne of fifty copies.$ 650.00View more details
Peter and Donna ThomasGoodbye Bonita Lagoon: A Papermaker's Elegy, 2023Santa Cruz: Peter & Donna ThomasOne of thirty copies, signed by the Thomases at the colophon.$ 1,500.00View more details
Peter MalutzkiObwohl nichts wagte ist nichts gewonnen [Although nothing ventured nothing is won], 2014Flörsheim: Peter MalutzkiOne of twenty copies. Signed by the artist.$ 600.00View more details
Albert GiraudPierrot Lunaire, 2007Westminster Station, VT: Bridge PressOne of twenty-one copies. Signed by the illustrator and translator, Brian D. Cohen.$ 1,250.00View more details
Veronika SchäpersSolitude, 2021Karlsruhe and Tokyo: Veronika SchäpersOne of fifty copies, signed by the artist.$ 1,900.00View more details
Edgar Allan PoeSpirit-Land, 2024Brussles: Bartleby & Co.One of nineteen copies. Signed by the publisher, Thorsten Baensch.$ 400.00View more details
Rein JansmaStairs, 1982Amsterdam: Joost ElffersView more details
W. H. Auden; Robert Andrew Parker (illus.)The Airman's Alphabet, 1996West Cornwall, CT: Spikes PressOne of seven copies, signed by the artist.$ 2,750.00View more details
George Szirtes; Ron King (illus.)The Burning of the Books, 2008London: Circle PressOne of thirty copies, signed by Szirtes and King.$ 1,500.00View more details
Tracey BushThe Lost Wings of Summer, 2024(Gosport, UK)One of thirty copies, signed by the artist at final leaf.$ 550.00View more details
Mary McCarthyTribal Alphabet, 1998Boston: Mary McCarthyOne of twenty-six copies, signed by the artist.$ 450.00View more details
Rachel Laser; Kerry McAleer-Keeler (illus.)Uncovering White Privilege: A Primer, 2019Kensington, CA and Washington, D. C.: Liminal Press + BinderyOne of three A. P. copies or a limited edition of fifty-three. Signed by Laser and by Camden M. Richards, who designed and produced the project.$ 350.00View more details
David KindersleyVariations on the Theme of Twenty-Six Letters, 1969Wellingborough, UK: Skelton's PressOne of 550 copies.$ 40.00View more details
Jane SherryVenus Unbound, 1993NY: Granary BooksOne of thirty numbered copies, signed by the artist.$ 1,500.00View more details
War Is Trauma, 2011(Pittsburgh): Justseeds Artists' Cooperative and Iraq Veterans Against the WarOne of 130 copies. All prints signed.$ 1,350.00View more details