Graily Hewitt (illus.)A Book of Songs and Poems from the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, 1904(Chelsea): Ashendene PressOne of 150 copies.$ 4,500.00View more details
Ethel M. MairetA Book on Vegetable Dyes, 1916Hammersmith: Douglas PeplerFirst edition.$ 650.00View more details
TerenceA Comedy Called Andria, 1971Verona: Officina BodoniOne of 170 copies. Signed by the illustrator, Fritz Kredel.$ 750.00View more details
Cecil HarmsworthA Little Fishing Book, 1930Dublin: Cuala PressOne of 80 copies.$ 1,250.00View more details
Gillian Tyler (illus.)A Medieval Bestiary, 1971Boston: David R. GodineOne of 100 deluxe copies specially bound and signed by Tyler.$ 275.00View more details
A Memorial Keepsake: Paul A. Bennett, 1897-1966, (1966)NY: TypophilesOne of 200 copies.$ 350.00View more details
Kurt H. VolkABC Gem Box, (1941)NY: Kurt H. Volk, Inc.One of 1,000 copies.$ 400.00View more details
Anne Bradstreet; George Frisbie Whicher (ed.)Alas All's Vanity. A Leaf from the First American Edition of Several Poems by Anne Bradstreet Printed at Boston, anno 1678, 1942NY: The Spiral PressOne of 105 copies, this letter "E." Signed by the printer at the colophon.$ 1,750.00View more details
Walter Savage LandorAlexander and the Priest of Hammon, 1933NY: Olivia I. Dehn, et al.One of fifty copies, this unnumbered.$ 275.00View more details
Aligning the Univers and All Sorts of Types, 1994Claremont, CA: Scripps College PressOne of fifty copies. Signed by all contributors at the colophon.$ 450.00View more details
Walt WhitmanAssurances, 1970Boston: Godine$ 275.00View more details
Stephen Bodio and Ted Williams; Alan James Robinson (illus.)Atlantic Salmon, 1988Easthampton, MA: Cheloniidae PressOne of fifty deluxe copies, signed at the colophon and at each illustration by Robinson. With an extra suite of illustrations, also all signed, and an original watercolor.$ 1,850.00View more details
Clavia GoodmanBitter Harvest: Laura Clay's Suffrage Work, 1946Lexington, KY: Bur PressOne of 275 copies.$ 175.00View more details
Valenti Angelo (illus.)Con Amore: Valenti Angelo. A Bibliography 1971-1982, (1992)San Francisco: Linden EditionsOne of twelve deluxe copies in half-morocco, with suite of examples from Angelo's press and additional material due to a subscriber copy. Signed by the compilers.$ 1,500.00View more details
Barry LopezCoyote Love, 1989Portland, ME: Coyote Love PressOne of 99 copies, signed by the printer and by the illustrator.$ 350.00View more details
LongusDaphnis and Chloe, 1904New Rochelle, NY: Elston PressOne of 160 copies.$ 650.00View more details
Friedrich von Schiller; Rudolf Koch (illus.)Das Lied von der Glocke, 1919/1922Offenbach am Main: Wilh. GerstungOne of 100 copies.$ 1,250.00View more details
Francisco X. Alarcón; Ray Rice (illus.)De Amor Oscuro / Of Dark Love, (1991)Santa Cruz, CA: Moving Parts PressOne of 70 copies. Signed by Alarcón.$ 650.00View more details
Susan LowdermilkDeclaration of Sentiments, 2023(N.p.): Plain Wrapper Press ReduxOne of 100 copies. Signed by the artist, Susan Lowdermilk, and by Lisa Tetrault, who contributed the Introduction.$ 400.00View more details
Die Blümlein des heiligen Franziskus von Assisi, 1911Leipzig: Insel-VerlagThe only copy hand-colored and hand-illuminated.$ 1,500.00View more details
Stratis Haviaras; Jocelyn Sarah Webb (illus.)Duty-Free Desiderata, 2000Aurora, NY: Sierras PressOne of thirty copies, signed by both the poet and the artist.$ 950.00View more details
Marcia PallyEat and Die. Friss oder Stirb. Infants in the Field of War, 2013Brussels: Bartleby & Co.One of thirty copies. Signed by the publisher, Thorsten Baensch.$ 150.00View more details
Julian SchwarzEight Cycling Sibyls, 1995(Llandogo): Old Stile PressOne of 240 copies. Signed by the artist.$ 125.00View more details
John KeatsEndymion, 1902New Rochelle, NY: Elston PressOne of 160 copies$ 850.00View more details
Carol HeimburgEtched Portraits of Ernest Hemingway, 1961(Northampton, MA): Apiary PressOne of fifty copies. Signed by the artist.$ 750.00View more details
Christina RossettiFamiliar Correspondence, 1962Stanford Dingley: The Mill House PressOne of 67 copies.$ 100.00View more details
Ingeborg GudeGlimt i Mørke [Glimpses in the Dark]. Teninger fra 1944, 1945Oslo: H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard)First edition.$ 1,750.00View more details
Peter and Donna ThomasGoodbye Bonita Lagoon: A Papermaker's Elegy, 2023Santa Cruz: Peter & Donna ThomasOne of thirty copies, signed by the Thomases at the colophon.$ 1,500.00View more details
Halcyon. Driemaandelijksch Tijdschrift voor Boek-, Druk- en Prentkunst. A Quarterly devoted to Book Production and the Graphic Arts, 1940-1942The Hague: A. A. M. StolsA complete run.$ 7,500.00View more details
Robinson JeffersHommage à California. Three Poems, 1998Merano: Offizini S. MeranoOne of thirty-five copies. Signed by the printer.$ 275.00View more details
I Fioretti di S. Francesco di Assisi, 1922Chelsea: Ashendene PressOne of 240 copies.$ 2,250.00View more details
Dard HunterLaid and Wove, 1923Washington: Government Printing Office$ 250.00View more details
Algernon Charles SwinburneLaus Veneris, 1948London: Golden Cockerel PressOne of 750 copies.$ 300.00View more details
Emile Verhaeren; Lucien Pissarro (illus.)Les Petits Vieux, 1901London: Eragny PressOne of 230 copies, of which 200 were for sale.$ 1,500.00View more details
John KeatsLetters from a Walking Tour, 1995NY: Grolier ClubOne of 225 copies.$ 150.00View more details
John SwarbrickList of Wharfedale Flies, 2009Upper Denby, Hudderfield: Fleece PressOne of 260 copies.$ 125.00View more details
Robin Flower (trans.)Love's Bitter-Sweet: Translations from the Irish Poets of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, 1925Dublin: The Cuala PressOne of 500 copies.$ 200.00View more details
Fritz Kredel (illus.)Medieval Latin Lyrics, 1971Boston: David GodineOf an edition of 1200, this is one of fifty deluxe copies signed by the illustrator. This copy unlettered and apparently uniquely bound.$ 300.00View more details
Thomas Hood; Reginald Savage (illus.)Miss Kilmansegg and Her Precious Leg: A Golden Legend, 1904Campden, Gloucestershire: Essex House PressOne of 200 copies. With an original engraving.$ 1,250.00View more details
Adrian WilsonMore Printing for Theater. A Portfolio of Ephemera, 1987San Francisco: James LindenOne of 60 copies. Signed by Wilson and by Joyce Lancaster, the co-author.$ 950.00View more details
William MorrisOf the Friendship of Amis and Amile, 1894Hammersmith: Kelmscott PressOne of 500 copies. Uniquely bound by Julia Wightman.$ 5,500.00View more details
Valenti Angelo (illus.)On Human Rights, 1963Bronxville, NY: Privately printedOne of fifty copies.$ 350.00View more details
Eric GillOriginal preparatory artwork for The Four Gospels , (c. 1931)$ 6,000.00View more details
C. R. Ashbee (ed.); Reginald Savage (illus.)Peckover. The Abbotscourt Papers, 1932London: Astolat PressOne of 350 copies.$ 125.00View more details
e. e. cummingsPoem 52 from 73 Poems (1963), 1981(Columbus, OH): Logan Elm Press$ 150.00View more details
AeschylusPromethus Desmotes [Prometheus Unbound], 1930London: Victor Scholderer$ 750.00View more details
Edward Fitzgerald (trans.)Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, 1906(Worcester, MA)Inscribed by the printer, Eben Francis Thompson.$ 450.00View more details
Sonnets, 1931Munich: Bremer PresseOne of 275 copies.$ 700.00View more details
Spécimen de caractères, 1943Paris: École Estienne, Atelier de Composition Typographique$ 1,500.00View more details
Edgar Allan PoeSpirit-Land, 2024Brussles: Bartleby & Co.One of nineteen copies. Signed by the publisher, Thorsten Baensch.$ 400.00View more details
Walt WhitmanStarting from Paumanok, 1998Merano: Offizin S. MeranoOne of thirty-five copies. Two illustrations signed by the artist, Carrie C. McCoy.$ 375.00View more details
John GuthrieTen Designs for the Two Gentlemen of Verona, 1925Flansham: Pear Tree PressOne of fifty copies, signed by Guthrie.$ 1,500.00View more details
Edmund Atwill WassonThat Gettysburg Address, 1965Verona: Officina BodoniOne of 225 copies.$ 125.00View more details
Angela JamesThe Art of Binding Books, (1991)Wakefield, West Yorkshire: Fleece PressOne of 290 copies.$ 125.00View more details
Rensselaer W. DanielsThe Art of Making Paper (Pa-p-yor), 1905(N.p.): Niagara Paper Mills$ 200.00View more details
Bruce RogersThe Atlantic Charter, (c. 1950)(Miquon, PA): W. C. Hamilton & Sons$ 750.00View more details
Valenti Angelo (illus.)The Book of Esther, 1935NY: Golden Cross PressOne of 135 copies.$ 350.00View more details
David Jones (illus.)The Book of Jonah, 1926(Waltham St. Lawrence): Golden Cockerel PressOne of 175 copies. Presentation copy from "Arundell," who wrote the introduction to another 1926 Jones-illustrated Golden Cockerel publication, "Pompey the Little."$ 1,850.00View more details
Sulkhan OrbelianiThe Book of Wisdom and Lies, 1894Hammersmith: Kelmscott PressOne of 250 copies.$ 4,500.00View more details
Arturo GiovannittiThe Cage, 1914Riverside, CT: HillacreOne of 200 copies.$ 375.00View more details
David Jones and Eric Gill (illus.)The Common Carol Book. A Collection of Christmas and Easter Hymns, 1926Ditchling: St. Dominic's PressOne of 225 copies.$ 550.00View more details
Stephen Vincent Benét; Fritz Eichenberg (illus.)The Devil & Daniel Webster, 1945Kingsport, TN: Kingsport PressOne of 1,475 copies.$ 100.00View more details
Dante AlighieriThe Divine Comedy, 1955NY: Bruce Rogers & The Press of A. ColishOne of 300 copies designed by Bruce Rogers.$ 1,500.00View more details
James LindenThe Ephemera of Adrian Wilson. An Annotated List 1944-1988, 1994San Francisco: The Press in Tuscany AlleyOne of 75 copies, with special inscription by Linden laid in.$ 1,750.00View more details
Frank Weitenkampf; Ernest D. Roth (illus.)The Etching of Contemporary Life, 1916Marlborough-on-Hudson, NY: Dard HunterOne of 270 copies produced for the Chicago Society of Etchers. This copy is in a special pigskin binding, designed by Dard Hunter and advertised to Society members "who are interested in preserving their copies in permanent bindings contemporaneous with the printing."$ 2,750.00View more details
Michael S. Harper; Walter Feldman (illus.)The Family Sequences, 1998Providence, RI: Ziggurat PressOne of 60 copies, this unnumbered. Signed by Harper and Feldman at the title page.$ 350.00View more details
Franz Toussaint (trans.); Gertrude Hermes (illus.)The Garden of Caresses, 1934London: Golden Cockerel PressFrom an edition of 275 copies, this is one of approximately twenty-five deluxe.$ 950.00View more details
Albrecht DürerThe Little Passion, 1971Verona: Officina BodoniOne of 140 copies.$ 1,000.00View more details
Florence Rome Garrett; Elmer Garrett (illus.)The Mill and Us, 1978Bridgewater, CT: Flume PressOne of 450 copies.$ 25.00View more details
Walter HamadyThe Quartz Crystal History of Perry Township Since the Earliest Creation of Life, 1979Mt. Horeb, WI: Pinprick (Perishable Press)From an edition of 225, this is a proof copy, with "For Display" handwritten across the upper cover.$ 200.00View more details
William MorrisThe Roots of the Mountains, 1890London: Reeves & TurnerFirst edition. One of 250 copies on Whatman paper.$ 2,500.00View more details
Valenti Angelo (illus.)The Sermon on the Mount, 1935NY: Golden Cross PressOne of 110 copies. Inscribed by Angelo at front free endpaper.$ 350.00View more details
Arthur J. GaskinThe Shephearde's Calendar: Conteyning Twelve Aeglogues, Proportionable to the Twelve Monethes, by Edmund Spenser., 1896Hammersmith: Kelmscott PressOne of 225 copies.$ 6,500.00View more details
William ShakespeareThe Tragicall Historie of Hamlet Prince of Denmarke, 1909Hammersmith: Doves PressOne of 250 copies.$ 8,500.00View more details
Emily WoodwardThe Treasure. A Retelling of a Russian Folk Tale, 1983San Anselmo, CA: Private Press of Emily WoodwardOne of twenty-six deluxe copies bound in boards, signed by the artist.$ 250.00View more details
Margo LockwoodThree Poems Written in Ireland, 1977Cambridge, MA: Menhaden PressOne of nineteen copies printed on Rives paper and bound in boards. Signed by Lockwood.$ 150.00View more details
Dard HunterTLS to J. J. Lankes, 1932Chillicothe, OH$ 175.00View more details
Dard HunterTLS to J. J. Lankes, 1931Chillicothe, OH$ 250.00View more details
Leonard BaskinTo Colour Thought, 1967New Haven, CT: Yale UniversityOne of 300 copies.$ 175.00View more details
David KindersleyVariations on the Theme of Twenty-Six Letters, 1969Wellingborough, UK: Skelton's PressOne of 550 copies.$ 40.00View more details
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