Oliviera CabralA Arte e a Máquina, 1945Lisbon: José Francisco de Oliveira$ 300.00View more details
Vincent TorreA Child's Book of Woodcuts, 1954(NY): Ink-Well PressOne of nineteen copies.$ 250.00View more details
William JoyceA Day with Wilbur Robinson, 1990NY: Harper & RowFirst edition. Inscribed by the author with a small drawing of an anthropomorphic flying saucer.$ 75.00View more details
William Cole (ed.); Lynn Munsinger (illus.)A Zooful of Animals, 1992Boston: Houghton MifflinFirst edition. Signed by the illustrator.$ 45.00View more details
ABC Alphabet Book, (1935)(Racine, WI): Whitman Publishing Co.$ 150.00View more details
Hans Stempel and Martin Ripkens; Heinz Edelmann (illus.)Andromedar SR1, 1971(NY): Harlin QuistFirst edition.$ 125.00View more details
Biblioteca de las Travesuras. Juegos Masculinos, (c. 1870)Paris and Mexico: Ch. Bouret$ 275.00View more details
Tomie dePaolaBig Anthony. His Story, 1998NY: G. P. Putnam's SonsFirst edition. Signed by dePaola at the title page.$ 50.00View more details
E. Tracey Archer; Dorothy E. Braham (illus.)Billy Boaster and His Motor, (c. 1920)London: Raphael Tuck & Sons$ 300.00View more details
Phineas ThayerCasey at the Bat, 1912Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co.First hardcover edition.$ 750.00View more details
Cobb's Toys, Third Series, No. 5. Stories about the Vulture, Dodo, Spoonbill, Pelican, Cormorant, and Goldfinch, 1835Erie, PA: O. Spafford$ 475.00View more details
Costumes. Or a Short Sketch of the Manners, and Customs of the Principal Foreign Inhabitants of the Globe, (c. 1820)London: R. Miller$ 1,500.00View more details
Tomie dePaolaDays of the Blackbird. A Tale of Northern Italy, 1997NY: G. P. Putnam's SonsFirst edition. Signed by dePaola at the half title.$ 75.00View more details
(William Cowper)Diverting History of John Gilpin, (c. 1840)NY and Philadelphia: Turner & Fisher$ 400.00View more details
Blanca Lydia TrejoEl Raton Panchito Roe-Libros, 1957Mexico: Edicion Hecha por la AutoraInscribed by Trejo.$ 175.00View more details
Footsteps on the Road to Learning; or the Alphabet in Rhyme, 1849New Haven: S. Babcock$ 400.00View more details
Allen SayGrandfather's Journey, 1993Boston: Houghton MifflinFirst edition. Signed by the author/illustrator, and with an original drawing by him.$ 100.00View more details
Mary Belson ElliotGrateful Tributes; or, Recollections of Infancy, 1813London: W. Darton$ 1,250.00View more details
Mary Martha SherwoodHome, 1833New Haven: S. Babcock$ 375.00View more details
Isaac WattsInfant Hymns: Designed for Young Children, (1840)New Haven: Sidney Babcock$ 150.00View more details
Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine; Hudson Talbott (illus.)Into the Woods, 1988NY: Crown PublishersFirst edition. Signed by the illustrator.$ 275.00View more details
John and Ann, (c. 1840s)Cincinnati: William T. Truman$ 250.00View more details
Juvenile Anecdotes; or A Present for a Good Child, 1830New Haven, S. Babcock$ 650.00View more details
Yoshisuke KurosakiKodomo No Matsuri [Children's Festival], 1949Tokyo: Bunka Kensetsusha$ 650.00View more details
Blanca Lydia TrejoLa Picara Sabelotodo, 1956Mexico: Edicion Hecha por la AutoraInscribed by Trejo.$ 175.00View more details
Lydia L. VeryLittle Red Riding Hood, 1863Boston, Louis Prang & Co.$ 300.00View more details
Blanca Lydia TrejoMaravillas de un Colmenar, 1954Mexico: Edicion Hecha por la AutoraInscribed by Trejo.$ 175.00View more details
Neddy Bray A. B. C., (c. 1905)London: Raphael Tuck & Sons, Co.$ 150.00View more details
Joel Chandler HarrisNights with Uncle Remus: Myths and Legends of the Old Plantation, 1883Boston: James R. Osgood and CompanyFirst edition.View more details
A. A. MilneNow We Are Six, 1927London: Methuen & Co.First edition.$ 650.00View more details
E. T. A. Hoffmann; Maurice Sendak (illus.)Nutcracker, 1984NY: Crown PublishersFirst edition. Signed by Sendak.$ 150.00View more details
Beatrice Beard GroverOriginal concept illustration for the cover of Broad Stripes and Bright Stars, 1941Signed and dated by Grover, with additional caption and initials in pencil at reverse.$ 750.00View more details
George H. Robinson; James Denholm (illus.)Peter's Paradise. A Child's Dream of the Crystal Palace, (c. 1890)London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co.$ 950.00View more details
W. H. I. BleekReynard the Fox in South Africa; or, Hottentot Fables and Tales, 1864London: Trübner and Co.$ 300.00View more details
Katharine G. BuffumSilhouettes to Cut in School, 1914Springfield, MA: Milton Bradley Company$ 125.00View more details
The Balloon; and The Good Boy Rewarded, 1850Providence, RI: Weeden & Peek$ 375.00View more details
The Birds of America, (c. 1855)NY: Clark, Austin & Smith$ 300.00View more details
Edward GoreyThe Black Doll, (c. 2012)Olympia, WA: Necessaries Toy Foundation$ 50.00View more details
The Child's Best Guide to Learning; or, Reading Made Completely Easy, 1826London: J. and C. Evans$ 650.00View more details
The Children in the Wood; Or, the Norfolk Gentleman's Last Will and Testament, 1818London: J. Harris$ 2,250.00View more details
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; Glenna Lang (illus.)The Children's Hour, 1993Boston: David GodineFirst edition. Inscribed by the illustrator.$ 50.00View more details
The Childs Own Alphabet, (c. 1860)London: Low & Son$ 650.00View more details
Bruno MunariThe Circus in the Mist, 1996NY: The World Publishing CompanyFirst American edition.$ 125.00View more details
The Daisy; or Little Lessons for Little Learners, 1844New Haven: Sidney Babcock$ 175.00View more details
The Destructive Consequences of Dissipation and Luxury, 1836NY: Mahlon Day$ 350.00View more details
Beatrix PotterThe Fairy Caravan, 1929Philadelphia: David McKay Company$ 1,350.00View more details
The Girl and Her Pets and Other Stories, (1865)NY: Leavitt & Allen$ 375.00View more details
Lydia Maria ChildThe Golden Ball; and Other Stories, 1852Philadelphia: Hayes & Zell$ 300.00View more details
Emmett E. Giltner and Margaret SpahrThe Growth of Our Nation. Together with: The Problems of Our Nation, 1931NY: Charles E. Merrill Co.$ 100.00View more details
M.P. (a.k.a. Dorothy Kilner)The Histories of More Children than One; or, Goodness Better than Beauty, (c. 1791)London: John Marshall and Co.$ 5,000.00View more details
A. A. MilneThe Ivory Door. A Legend in a Prologue & Three Acts, 1929London: Chatto & WindusFirst edition. Signed by Milne at title page.$ 350.00View more details
J. D. Strong (ed.)The Lame Beggar, and Other Stories, (1870)Boston: D. Lothrop and Company$ 200.00View more details
The Little Fisherman, (1835)NY: Mahlon Day$ 325.00View more details
The Little Sisters; or Emma and Caroline, (1842)New Haven: Sidney Babcock$ 150.00View more details
The Mother's Primer, 1851Louisville, KY: John P. Morton & Co.$ 375.00View more details
Tommy TripThe Natural History of Four Footed Beasts, 1802Hudson, NY: Ashbel Stoddard$ 500.00View more details
Steig, Jeanne; William Steig (illus.)The Old Testament Made Easy, 1990NY: Farrar, Straus and GirouxFirst edition, signed by both Jeanne and William Steig.$ 75.00View more details
A. A. MilneThe Secret and Other Stories, 1929NY and London: The Fountain Press and Methuen and CompanyOne of 742 copies of the first edition. Signed by Milne.$ 300.00View more details
Emily WoodwardThe Treasure. A Retelling of a Russian Folk Tale, 1983San Anselmo, CA: Private Press of Emily WoodwardOne of twenty-six deluxe copies bound in boards, signed by the artist.$ 250.00View more details
Eric von SchmidtThe Young Man Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn, 1964Cambridge, MA: Riverside PressFirst edition. First edition. Signed by Eric von Schmidt, paired with an original pen-and-ink drawing of the story's be-hatted crow from page twenty.View more details
Nancy Ekholm BurkertValentine & Orson, 1989NY: Farrar, Straus and GirouxFirst edition. Signed by the author/illustrator at the half title.$ 65.00View more details
A. A. MilneWhen I Was Very Young, 1930NY and London: The Fountain Press and Methuen and CompanyOne of 842 copies. Signed by Milne at the colophon.$ 300.00View more details
A. A. MilneWinnie-the-Pooh, 1926London: Methuen & Co.First edition in first issue dust wrapper.$ 2,500.00View more details